In our ever delightful conflict between self interest and selflessness; the idea that we can control our destiny versus the notion that we are small cogs in a great machine over which we have no control and that might grind us up at any time, is the question of resolution to this conundrum. Do we take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them; to quote Hamlet, or do we let the sea envelop us and carry us along with the tide depositing us wherever it may flow?
Naturally, one would think; and perhaps that IS the question, this leads to the philosophical nature of existence, and correspondingly, HOW we react to the miasma of this little adventure called life.
I bring this little niblet to the fore after much ado about the merry bands of Truthers, Birthers, and such good folks who make the Glenn Becks of this world the media darlings that they are. As we know, any good conspiracy theory needs its avatar. It comes along with the good news that being positive all the time is a real downer; evidently intently visualizing happiness, or it's attending agents, whether by fantasy or the wizardry of advertising, does not always produce the desired or hoped for results. Consequently, and this is exacerbated in these gloomy times, it leaves the former believers discontent. I personally believe this goes against human nature, this idea that we must all be upbeat morons, but I'm a renowned crank. It is also these times when good folks feel the most vulnerable to forces, be they market or governmental, spiritual or otherwise, over which they have no control. It is therefore unremarkable that some of them suspect, sometimes with seething ferocity, that, as Kelly Bundy would say; something is rotten in the state of Denver.
My answer? Seek to realize your Total Dude.
Now, granted, this is a play on terms, but is, I believe, essential to a healthy realistic approach to life in these turbulent times.
Which means what?
Exuding your natural intrinsic being. How's that for gobbledygook? Perhaps better said; accept who you are; be who you are. Whether one of those happy go lucky types or a bitter old troll; embrace who thoust art. This nihilism; masquerading as joyful conformity foisted upon us by management bureaucrats, must be denied. Mankind, humankind for those of you so incensed, is in it's essence, a panoply of wild emotion; some good, some bad. Without giddiness or melancholy, grim determination or nary a care in the world, we are but automatons beating out a vapid rhythm of little true cheer. Revolt my bothers and sisters. Lay joyous claim to your polyglot idiosyncrasies; be as the bard so noted; to thy self be true.
I will, of course, be miking this of it's own crass commercialism.