Ah, 2020, that you should go quietly into that good night. (I started this before all hell broke loose... so... but that's for another time and blog.)
Having not written anything in the couple of months for this blog, I wondered if an end of the year navel gaze was a good idea. Aaaa... sure why not.
In normal times, I would brag about everything that was accomplished-and there was some of that-as well as all the good times that were had throughout, though after March, there was not too much of that.
I had big plans, but most of us did that did not come to pass. Concerts, open-mics, even general get togethers were canceled or replaced by Zoom meetings, which are not terribly conducive to good sound, not to mention the human qualities of being "in the room" when there is a performance. Again it's what we have at our present disposal.
On the plus side, I released the last of my "legacy" albums, Fingers in the Air ('85), No Love Here ('86), and Nothing Left to Say ('91), which means that all that fit to release has been. I've also finished half of the upcoming album, This Wonderful Life, which I hope to complete and release sometime this year.
In addition, I helped with the recording of songs for Joy Taeko, and Benny Lee. They came out quite nicely such that neither Joy or Ben have disparaged me terribly.
I would like to believe that 2021 will be something to behold, though I'm not holding my breath. And I'll hold off wondering if all this is an utter waste of time. This is a honored tradition for those of us yet to hit the big time. Those who have, spend their time trying to stay hip and relevant, as well as selling some or all of their catalog now that their revenue streams have gone off the road into a ditch.
I, fortunately, do not have that problem.
My problem is how much time and effort to put into this, which might sound somewhat defeatist (and I'll cope to that), but that is going to come (and hopefully go) as one does these creative types of things. Maybe it's just the product of a difficult year. Only time will tell.
I'll ponder that as I try to make good in my other life as a writer of scintillating mysteries.
Because if there's one thing we all know, it's how easy it is to make it big in the entertainment business.
Happy New Year.
©2021 David William Pearce