Sunday, July 4, 2021

To Perform or Not to Perform...


As we ease on down the road out of perdition, however cautious or foolhardy, for musicians and performers the question arises: will you or won't you?

Odd as it may seem, some are reluctant after so long a break. Including me...which I'll confess I find surprising. I'd gotten into a pretty good groove prior to the pandemic. At least 1 open mic a week, sometimes 2, hosting and open mic once a month and having people over to play—I was setting up to host house concerts. That all ended rather abruptly. Naturally, it was assumed I would also play, which I did.

Will I now?

It should be a no-brainer. I have a new album that'll be done soon. Songs I released last year that I haven't had a chance to play for people. And all the songs I played before. If they were good enough then...

Still. Many are itching to get back out there. One assumes that the line will be long at restarted open mics, showcases, plain old shows, with all of us there to listen and play, working out the kinks and cobwebs and getting back to our old selves.

Except our old selves we left back in March of 2020.

And maybe that's part of it.

Having performed in the past in a certain contained way, I have the desire to open up, be free, all that old hippie vibe stuff, except there's always the fear of not getting it right, to not pull it off, and while I'm old enough to know that I don't have to prove anything, I don't want to get it wrong, or, even worse, just blow through it.

So, we'll see. 

First I have to finish the album.

©2021 David William Pearce