Sunday, September 24, 2017

Yeah, You Gotta Do That Too!

Alright, the album, the record, the song cycle, the grouping of songs thrown together; however you wish to define them, are finished!
And if that's all you want, congratulations. But, if you want more, say for people to hear them or buy them or stream them, then, as the song says; you've only just begun.
There's the artwork, creating the album cover, the disc cover, setup any distribution you might have in mind, get the word out through social media, the Mr Primitive website and blog, friends, associations. Issue a press release, initiate a row with some other important figure in the business; have your people get the ball rolling.
Unfortunately, I'm my people so it's all up to me.
And there's the not so insignificant fact that as a very well known unknown, I must juggle the expense against the no so insignificant return on that expense; I'm not so well off to be throwing money away.
So, the album covers are done, thanks in large part to the wonderful art created by Yuji Pearce, and they've been sent in to Disc Makers to be produced  and to CD Baby for distribution to Spotify and Apple Music and the like. I've registered the album with the gubmint for copyright protection and set a release date of November 10th.

Please mark your calendars.

And, just because it sounds like fun, I'm going to have a release party at the house because that's what big stars like me do.

Will it push me over the top? Will I be an even bigger sensation that Taylor Swift who decided to release her new album on the very same day?

Only time will tell.

I'll confess that I don't find all of this particularly exciting, I'd rather be jumping right into making a decent recording of Winter, an album I made a demo of many years ago and never finished. But that's not how the game works and if no one knows about the new album, Whispers (From a Forgotten Memory), then there's a good chance they'll never hear it, and that's a shame because it turned out to be quite wonderful, if I may say so myself.

You do what you gotta do.

Check out this week's song from the new album, Stills, at

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