Monday, September 4, 2017

More on Taylor and Mr Primitive and the need to create buzz

With the enormous glut of music sloshing around the world at any given moment, even the big stars need to get the word out. It is in this context that my present fascination with Taylor Swift continues. As most people with any music interest know, Ms Swift and her PR machine, team, group; apply any term you feel is appropriate, are getting us all exciting about the new album coming out in November.

Now if the hype is to be believed, the date has symbolic value and well as a means for a personal dig by Ms. Swift. That may or may not be true but it gets our attention. And it has paid off in the number of eyes and ears that have checked out her new song and its accompanying video-apparently they still make those-upon which a few dollars were spent.

So, what does this have to do with Mr Primitive, you ask? Well, not much beyond my personal fascination. Perhaps it's too bad I don't, or perhaps more importantly, Ms. Swift does not have a personal beef with me. I could use the attention more than she, but there no guarantee that I would garner anything from it other than spam from her pissed off legion of fans.

And who wants that?
Other than someone desperate for may assume as you like on that...

Still, it remarks on our times that such blandishments are required given Ms. Swift's stature; she is not as desperate for some worldwide PR as yours truly, and this may be the rose colored glasses talking, but the news that a new Beatles album didn't necessitate the need to bring up any manufactured feud with the Stones! Just the fact that new music was coming was enough, but such is life or how I choose to remember it.

The other intersection of the famous, or infamous for those of you who have a poor opinion of Ms. Swift, and the not so famous, that would be me, is that my new album, Whispers (From a Forgotten Memory), and hers are both due out in early November. Will I be riding her coattails, or will she be riding mine? Only time will tell.

Of course, for perfectly understandable reasons, I did not spend a small fortune on my album, or any videos, or in preparation for a long worldwide tour, so I don't have nearly the same level of investment riding on the outcome of the album's success as Ms. Swift and her team does. Nor do I need the same level of promotion, however acquired, to ensure that the money rolls in.

But I still want my album to be successful, by whatever metric I find supporting, and it is interesting that even the mega-famous must work the machine and feed the beast.

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