Monday, January 22, 2018

The Magic of Doing Whatever Trips Your Trigger.

As I've mentioned in this blog before, there are any number of individuals and businesses out there to help you get people to love you and what you do. I've written about this previously, mostly in amusement, because there is a fairly rigid architecture in appealing to the masses. There is also the not so insignificant fact that not everything will have mass appeal. As an example, name the last sludge metal song to make the top 10 in any category other than metal which is in itself quite diverse. That means that for all your hard work, assuming your genre is anything other than pop music, your possible fame is limited.
This first assumes the product, the music, is good.
Beyond that is image, drive, talent, and a willingness to scrap till the day comes when fame, and hopefully fortune, find you. It's deeply tempting...and it's a lot of work...
...with no guarantee of success.
And for a good number of us it's not worth it.
To those who fight the good fight, I'll listen and pay attention as much as time permits; I'll pass along what I can and be as supportive as I can. Just don't rag on me if it's not my thing.
Not everyone makes music for the money or the fame, or long for the opportunity to be ripped off, lied to, misrepresented, and then forgotten. Yes, those things happen; it's part of the business.
I like doing my own thing, making my own music however I want. I control it all, good or bad. Does that make me a control freak? Absolutely. It also means that no one else owns my art; no one else takes a year's worth of time and effort and tells me it's not right for the market, that I've peaked, or missed my moment; there's none of that.
And I'm ok with that. I made this decision long ago before I was married, had kids, all of that; I have no regrets. All the music I've made is me. It's not the product of the market, or market surveys, or the latest trends; I like it that way. Not everyone will like it; if fact many may dislike it. I'm ok with that too.
There's nothing wrong with being content to express yourself periodically at an open mic just as there's nothing wrong with being in a cover band, or a hillbilly mashup. There's a lot of wonderful music out there that you'll only hear if you seek it out or happen upon it. That's ok.
Do what you want and have a good time. It works for me.

This week's song is Highway Tune, from Life Without Chickens,
It's a song that deals with the effect of suicide and war without actually stating that out loud. Rather it's referred to anecdotal form by the voice of the lyric in remembrance of the things said and the things implied that go unfulfilled; of the loss felt by that. Musically, the song is something of an anomaly in that it is the only acoustic guitar song that I did in that period. The guitars were recorded  through a pickup mounted in the soundhole and then feed through a Effectron 2 effects unit.
You can hear it at

©2018 David William Pearce

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