Friday, January 3, 2020

More More More...

Are you ready for the new year? Am I?

I ask this rhetorical question because I've found myself in a rather interesting place. After an eventful and productive 2019, I'm less anxious about rushing into more and more, even if that's what the scribes and sages in the biz say one must do.

And it's not like I've got nothing in the tank. There's a wealth of new songs that I put on hold to finish the album, Winter, and I've still got the monthly open mic, which I host, and a number of shows lined up in these early months.

But I have to admit that as more people become aware of what I'm doing-Which is the whole point of this, right?-there is the supposed need to constantly be doing doing doing more more more that I'm not as interested in. And if I stop, I'm back in the dustbin of anonymity.

And who wants that?

But there is something to be said for taking a break. I haven't touched the recording equipment since March, which is the longest stretch since I took up recording again in 2015. Plus it's new, so there's the learning curve to go with it. The other part is that the music is quite different from Winter and I want to make sure I do it the way I feel it needs to be done, which for me means turning it over in my head again and again.

That too can get tiring.

And as a rationale for doing nothing, it's not like I have a big organization or label to support, so if I do nothing people become unemployed. I don't need that weight hanging over me. That leaves me in no-persons-land of wanting to get to it and wanting to take an even longer break.

Some of this is made more problematic by the fact that as a performer, I'm starting to hit my stride. Hate to lose that.

Feeling sorry for me yet? Yeah, me neither.

Should probably get to it.

Happy New Year!

©2020 David William Pearce

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